• Kirsten Fehring



  • Music

    on stage, online, on tour

    Creative Partnerships,



    Artistic Planning

    Balancing creative exploration and project management




    websites, newsletter,

    social media,

    programme notes,





    Creative Adviser

    Concert Tours


  • Recent projects

    Zarek trio image

    Fresh focus - same approach: Zarek has a new calling card:

    website design, content + trio photos


    also: strategy & communication and more


    Continuo Connect image

    Continuo Foundation & Continuo Connect

    Strategy, communication, development &

    community relations for Continuo Connect


    including website development and newsletter content, themed playlists & connecting with the Early Music community around the country


    Composer of Barnes book

    Composers of Barnes

    2nd edition

    Project Management


    out now

    United Strings of Europe on stage

    Strategy, Communication and Project Management


    2022 - 2024

    Harpsichord concert poster

    a beautiful object

    Connecting an ensemble with a composer: Heloise Werner a beautiful object - commissioned for harpsichord and small ensemble.


    + Research, notes, and project management around this new work. Programme notes

    Kirsten Fehring substack newsletter

    Letters from Backstage

    My work involves a lot of reading and research - an eclectic mix shared in my letters from backstage
    since 2022
  • About / Über mich

    Kirsten is a music dramaturgist and producer based in the UK.

    She has worked within the classical music scene since her first job at Credit Suisse CH in the Sponsorship department, happily supporting festivals, ensembles and artists and making things happen. Developing creative strategies and an interdisciplinary approach are her trademark.


    Amongst her past and present clients and collaborators are Continuo Foundation / Continuo Connect, Zarek Trio, Baroque Ensemble Solomon's Knot, United Strings of Europe, Barnes Music Festival, Echor Music, Kronberg Academy, Rombach Publishing, Cologne Music College.


    During her family time Kirsten turned to writing, translating, editing and website design and added these skills to her portfolio. It is the interdisciplinary approach which she loves the most about her work.


    She studied Literature (with an emphasis on music!) and Economics for a Masters degree. In her PhD dissertation she focused on Arts Sponsorship.


    She sings in chamber choirs and played the oboe in another life.


    Dr Kirsten Fehring ist freie Musikdramaturgin, Produzentin und Projekt Managerin in Grossbritannien. Kreative Strategien und ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz begeistern sie und zeichnen so auch ihre Arbeit im Bereich der Musik aus.


    Nach ihrem erste Job in der Kultursponsoring Abteilung der Credit Suisse wechselte sie die Seiten und arbeitet seitdem mit verschiedene Ensemble, Festivals und Künstler*innen im kuratorischen, organisatorischen und administrativen Bereich:


    u.a Continuo Foundation, United Strings of Europe, Barock Ensemble Solomon's Knot, Zarek, Barnes Music Festival, Kronberg Academy, Echor Music, Köln Musikhochschule .


    Ihren Master machte sie an der Universität Freiburg in den Bereichen Literatur (mit Schwerpunkt Musik!) und Wirtschaft. In ihrer Doktorarbeit beschäftigte sie sich mit Kultursponsoring, der Schnittstelle von Kultur und Wirtschaft. Ihre Oboe hat sie in den letzten Jahren extrem vernachlässigt, dafür singt sie nun öfter in Kammerchören.

    Kirsten Fehring portrait
  • Contact

    London UK, Frankfurt DE, Klosters CH



    a monthly letter which is all about looking behind the scene of classical music and related topics, with the odd date for your diary